Our Latest Instagram Obsession: Tiny Pigs in Human Clothes

Meet our new favorite Internet stars: two mini pigs named Priscilla and Poppleton. This dynamic duo—who hail from Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida—can be found on Instagram doing what they do best: modeling the latest fashions and generally acting like humans. Seriously. You can find them getting their Starbucks on, giving their brains a workout with a crossword puzzle, celebrating Labor Day with a bunch of patriotic balloons, and some good ol’ snuggling.

With over 19,000 fans on Facebook and 241,000 followers on Instagram, these fashionable babes have caused quite the Internet commotion. Since we just CANNOT resist, here are some of our absolute favorite photos of the siblings, who appear to really enjoy having their picture taken:

Breakfast, lunch, AND dinner at Tiffany’s. Priscilla, you’re a lucky piggy.

Just a couple of pigs lapping up some fake ice-cream cones while wearing clothing and jewelry. What?

Well SOMEONE is looking mighty fine for the first day of school.

After an hour of sunbathing (using sunscreen of course), Priscilla treats herself to an icy H20 martini. Oh, GURL.

Here is Priscilla channeling her inner Wild Wild West.

Since Hello Kitty isn’t really a kitty, how about Hello Piggy?

Is that a shark, or is that just Pop? You sure had me fooled, pigster.

This is art, I say! I shall call it: “Priscilla and The Veggie Urn.”

Prissy and Pop recreating our favorite childhood icons, Piglet and Pooh. OH, BOTHER!

2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate? You, Prissy! We appreciate YOU!

After a long, hard day of modeling, these two piglets deserve some beauty sleep. Obviously, they need to put on their PJs first. STOP IT.

( Images via Facebook, Instagram  )

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