Dream job alert: Get paid to Instagram in Europe for Netflix

If Maria Von Trapp were to ask us to sing our own version of “My Favorite Things,” “Instagram,” “Europe,” and “Netflix” would definitely be in that opening verse. Which is why we are jaw-on-the-floor excited about finding out that  Netflix has a job where they pay people to come to Europe and the Middle East and Instagram the sets of popular shows, films, and Netflix originals. And, what up, they’re hiring!

As Netflix tells us, to apply for one of the four currently open “Grammaster” positions, one must:

1.) Follow @Netflix on Instagram

2.) Tag your favorite 3 photos with the #grammasters3 on Instagram by March 6th, 2016.

3.) Pray (Kidding, this one’s from us. But hey, couldn’t hurt, right?)

Netflix will select 25 finalists by March 11th, and conduct interview on Skype, before picking 4 winners to jet set across the world snapping Instas on Netflix’s dime.

The job is a short one (only two weeks!) but Netflix is paying $2,000 a week and handling all travel arrangements. Sounds like a sweet (albeit brief!) gig!! Good luck, Potential Grammasters, and as Effie Trinket would say, may the odds be ever in your, well, you know…

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