Insta-tattoos, for the Instagram addicts — which, let’s face it, is all of us
If you consider yourself the queen of all things Insta, getta load of this new service that lets you transform Instagram photos into . . . wait for it . . . tattoos! (The temporary kind, of course,) This could totally change the Instagram sitch, taking your like-game to super IRL levels.
Instagram has over 300 million users worldwide, and thinking about how many pictures that is blows my mind into 300 million pieces. Think about how many tattoos that could be. It’s pre-tty cool, that now you can take all those images that only existed in your virtual world, and bring them into the actual world. Now my grandma can actually see all the pix I’ve been taking, if she doesn’t mind looking at them on my forearm.
Ink361, an up-and-coming tech company, expert in all things Insta just launched an ingenious way to get all those sunsets, selfies, and shoe pics onto our wrists, arms, chests, and necks. I mean, if that’s your thing. Picattoo (the service, not the French bird) allows you to download 12 images from your Instagram page and turn them into temporary, color tattoos for a mere $14.99.
Here’s how it works: Log into your Instagram account using Piccattoo. They’re pretty strict about using ONLY your own photos, so apologies to the folks hoping to get a Taylor or Beyoncé selfie for their chest. The images are then transferred to high-quality temporary tattoo paper and shipped, free of charge, right to your door. The tatts, depending on how much you scrub, could last up to a week.
Piccatoo is just the latest Insta-invention from the Netherlands-based company. Ink361 also launched Fastbook, a photo-printing service that turns Instagram photos into cute, 4”x4”, pocket-sized photo books. Instead of using cardstock or standard paper, the photos come on high-quality photo paper. So if you’re grandma’s not down with the tattoo option, you can always print little books. I’ll just be putting on some selfie temporary tattoos in the meantime.
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