This inspiring letter by a 5-year-old has lead to GAP introducing a gender-neutral line for kids

After receiving an incredible and inspiring letter by a five-year-old girl, GAP has decided to introduce gender-neutral clothing for kids, and SO. MUCH. YES.
In the past few years, many retailers have decided to embrace gender-neutral fashion. In 2016, Target introduced a kids clothing-range with gender-neutral items, and earlier this year it was revealed that H&M would be launching a denim line that was unisex. And this shift isn’t just in fashion. In 2015, gender-neutral baby names were all the rage, while children’s toy retailer Toys ‘R’ Us has dropped boys and girls categorizations online and in their stores. Essentially, the gender revolution is here…
Well, now thanks to one brave five-year-old, GAP is the next fashion retailer to adopt gender-neutral clothing.
Writing an essay for The Washington Post, Beth Jacob, a policy wonk, writer, and mom to five-year-old Alice, spoke about her difficulty to find clothing for her child who, like a lot of kids, is into superheroes, dinosaurs, and space.
“As anyone who’s been in a major retailer recently can tell you, it’s slim pickings out there for girls who love Batman and Diplodocus,” she wrote in the op-ed. “And if you’re a boy who loves ballet or slogans ‘love makes the world go round?’ Well, that one pretty much answers itself.”
One day, Alice came home from school and saw some clothes that her mom was buying her brother on the GAP kids website that were Star Wars, Hot Wheels, and DC Comics themed. Upset by the choices for girls, which included Disney Princesses and The Smurfs, Alice decided to take matters into her own hands and write (or dictate) a letter to GAP to sort it all out.
"Dear Gap, My name is Alice Jacob and I am almost 5½ years old. I like cool shirts like Superman and Batman shirts and race car shirts, too. All your girl shirts are pink and princesses and stuff like that. The boys’ shirts are really cool. They have Superman, Batman, rock-and-roll and sports. What about girls who like those things like me, and my friend Olivia? Can you make some cool girls’ shirts please? Or, can you make a ‘no boys or girls’ section — only a kids’ section? Thank you, Alice Jacob.
Well, it seems that someone at GAP was listening.
As Teen Vogue report, Gap CEO Jeff Kirwan wrote back to Alice (and Beth), saying, “You are right.”
In his reply, which Beth shared with The Washington Post, Kirwan noted that while GAP strived to make sure that there was a wide variety of different choices for young people, more could be done to offer “even more choices that appeal to everyone.”
He even sent Alice a t-shirt with Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens on it.
What’s more, Beth also wrote to Kirwan noting that they both had a responsibility to help teach the children of the future that they don’t have, or at least shouldn’t have, any limitations.
"We both have an opportunity on our hands: to help kids learn why being different is an act of bravery; why asking for something unfair to change is worthwhile," she wrote.
We absolutely love everything about this. Not only is it amazing that five-year-old Alice stood up for what she believes in (like, who wouldn’t want Chewbacca on a t-shirt?), but we love that Beth has taken it further and spoken out to get the best for her child and children all over the country.
If that isn’t girl power, then we don’t know what is.