Here’s a look inside a hornet’s nest that you definitely shouldn’t watch while eating

Cancel that breakfast order you just placed because after watching the Smithsonian Channel’s video of the inside of a hornet’s nest, eating will quickly join the undesirable activities lingering at the bottom of your to-do list.

Now, after watching this frightful sight, don’t be surprised if you suddenly notice heroic qualities in this guy who incinerated a hornet’s nest with a flamethrower. That’s actually not a dig at hornets because all creatures have their places in the circle of life.

However, we say this with the utmost respect to nature: After watching this clip, The Hornet’s Nest film is the only association we’re interested in having with these creepy creatures and their gag-inducing homes.

via giphy

In the clip titled The Extraordinary Life Cycle of a Hornet Colony, cameras follow a giant hornet queen into her hive. The narrator informs us that a single queen can lay up to 2,000 eggs in a season, and that her workers are responsible for feeding her eggs, which are these tiny, pulsating and downright ghastly-looking things.

via giphy

According to the narrator, they’re also extremely ravenous. According to our eyes, they’re constantly wriggling and squirming and downright gross, and UGHHH, we definitely just gagged a little.

Watch the full video at your own risk:

Basically, if a swarm of hornets invites you over to their hive to hang out and sit in on their next stinging mission, tell them that you have plans already, don’t respond to texts, emails or group chats, hell, ANY excuse will work because, ugh, you just don’t want to go there.

Thanks for grossing us out, science.