It’s a Disney dream! An injured kitty and an abandoned fawn become besties!

We honestly can’t believe the following tale is an IRL story and not an animated Disney movie from our childhoods. But we are so happy this all happened in the real world, because our hearts are positively BURSTING from the sweetness of the story.

As Jezebel reports, last year, Russell the cat was badly injured in a house fire in Raleigh, North Carolina, and has been recovering from his burns at Raleigh’s Animal Emergency Hospital and Urgent Care.

At the hospital, Russell met Darla, a fawn who was separated from her mother and found in a neighborhood backyard. Russell and Darla became roomies when Darla moved into the facility and now Russell and Darla even share the same bed!

As much as we want this lovefest to last forever, it’s just not to be. Russell has yet to fully recover (but, as a volunteer explains, they are “getting closer and closer every day”) and for the time being is staying put at the hospital. Meanwhile Darla, who is currently being bottle fed (in the vid below, it’s SO CUTE), will be taken to a deer rehab center in the near future, and will eventually return to her natural habitat.

Still, we’re glad the sweeties found each other and are giving each other some much-needed bestie love for the time being.

Okay, check out the video below and brace yourself for an adorableness overload.

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