This lovely ‘Incredibles’ detail explains exactly how Jack-Jack got his powers
You might think you know everything there is to know about Disney and Pixar’s The Incredibles, but do you really know everything? Not just talking about the four main heroes from the family — Bob, Helen, Violet, and Dash — but their littlest one, Jack-Jack. He’s the baby of the family, and supposedly doesn’t have any powers. Mom Helen even mentions at one point that he hasn’t shown signs of any powers yet. But by the end of the film, he’s on fire. Literally. So when exactly does he come into his powers, and how?
One Reddit user has pointed this out to us, and it’s so obvious we can’t believe we didn’t notice it before. For one, OF COURSE Jack-Jack has powers, look at his family! Even though you might not realize it at first, we actually see the moment he comes into his powers, too. As user LegionOfMisfits explains, we’ve just got to connect the dots between The Incredibles, and the Incredibles short, Jack-Jack Attacks, to see the big picture.
In The Incredibles, Helen, has left Jack-Jack with a babysitter, Kari. On the phone with Helen, Kari explains that she’s an excellent babysitter and has even brought along some Mozart CDs for Jack-Jack to listen to, because “Mozart makes babies smarter!”
As LegionOfMisfits explains, “Shortly after Kari hangs up the phone on Helen… she takes Jack-Jack out of his high-chair, sets him on the floor and turns on a Mozart cassette. As soon as the music starts, Jack-Jack’s eyes dilate and unfocus, and he immediately begins floating through walls, sitting on the ceiling and bursting into flames.”
LegionOfMisfits finishes off with saying, “When Kari said that Mozart stimulates development in children, she didn’t know how right she really was.”
Need more proof? Skip ahead to :50 in Jack-Jack Attacks. IT’S ALL THERE. This whole time we’ve assumed that there was no trigger for Jack-Jack suddenly discovering his baby powers. His powers were there all along, he just needed some classical music to push him in the right direction (and set him on fire).
(Images via Disney/Pixar and Giphy)
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