Idina Menzel just signed on to a remake of “Beaches” and we are having heart palpitations

Here are two things that make us excited-to-the-point-of-passing-out:
1) Idina Menzel doing pretty much anything.
2) Remakes of our favorite old school movies.
So when we heard that Idina Menzel has signed on to star in a remake of…wait for it…BEACHES, we pretty much lost it and needed an oxygen mask to regain consciousness.
But this amazing news gets even better, y’all.
The remake is not just any movie, it’s a Lifetime movie! Which pretty much guarantees that it’s is gonna be off-the-charts campy and wonderful and fabulous.
In case you’re not aware of the iconic, flawless movie that is the original Beaches, it starred Bette Midler in the role of CC, which Idina will play, and includes the now-classic song “Wind Beneath My Wings.” Yep, Idina and her superhuman vocal cords will be singing this:
No word yet on who will be cast in the role of Hillary, which was originally played by Barbara Hershey, but may we be so bold to suggest…Kristen Bell? JUST SAYING.