Hunter McGrady Shared a Candid Look at the Hard Parts of Pregnancy, Like Breakouts and Itchy Nipples
The model never heard anyone talk about "how your skin will absolutely rival the acne you had in high school."
Hunter McGrady is opening up about what’s on the other side of the pregnancy glow. The body-positive model, who is expecting her first child with husband Brian Keys, first announced her pregnancy via Instagram on March 8th, and now she’s getting real about the not-so-cute parts of the experience. She shared two contrasting photos of herself and defined them as “pregnancy & also pregnancy” at the start of her caption. The first slide features a black-and-white studio portrait of her showing off her baby bump, while the second is a no-makeup selfie showing her skin redness and tears running down her face.
“I always saw on TV and magazines celebs who were absolutely glowing all throughout pregnancy,” McGrady wrote. “The hair was long and flowy, the skin was pristine, the outfits were CUTE, and the belly was perfect.” Then, she went into the parts of pregnancy that are rarely shown or discussed publicly. “I never really saw women who talked about how you simultaneously can’t keep food down while also desperately needing to give your body nutrients,” she wrote.
She continued, naming experiences that she has presumably gone through. “I never saw anyone talk about how you just sometimes cry throughout the day for no reason,” she wrote, “Or how your skin will absolutely rival the acne you had in high school, or how every bathroom break you check the toilet paper, or how your nipples and skin will itch with FURY, the broken eye vessels from violently throwing up, or how for some reason even random items in your home are repulsive.”
Even with all the uncomfortable and painful moments, though, McGrady has “never resented” her pregnancy. “I take it all in stride,” she wrote. “Amazing how quick the mind changes when it’s no longer about you. While all the beauty exists, the other also does, and it is beautiful in its own way.”
The 27-year-old model ended with a line that is consistent with her many body positive messages. “I’m so grateful for this body, that is growing life inside of it. ??❤️,” she wrote.