It turns out that “Yelp for Humans” app was probably just a big hoax

Earlier this week, the Internet was abuzz with disturbing details surfacing about a new app called Peeple. The “Yelp for Humans” is allegedly supposed to launch in November, and The Washington Post described the platform as a way to “be able to assign reviews and one- to five-star ratings to everyone you know: your exes, your co-workers, the old guy who lives next door.” People were understandably outraged to find out that once your name enters the Peeple system, it can’t be taken out. Reviews can’t be deleted – no matter how cruel or biased they are. Sounds horrifying, right?

Luckily, it seems like Peeple might be one big practical joke., an organization notorious for debunking Internet falsehoods, published a takedown of Peeple soon after its feature in The Washington Post. Citing Peeple’s sudden appearance in the media and serious lack of development, Snopes is calling the app’s bluff:

If this is true, and the app’s founders are playing with all of us, it looks as though most of us fell into their trap. Evidence that Peeple is fake keeps pouring in: its trademark was put on suspension in February and the Peeple team has basically promised a very complicated app will be created, bug-free in under 90 days. Apps have to go through trial periods, test groups, and approval by the iTunes store – some of these steps alone take 90 days. When will they have to time actually make the app? The most glaring clue that Peeple is a big fat conspiracy is the fact that the company’s Twitter profile says, “Born on April 1st.” April fools me once, shame on you. April fools me twice, I will write a terrible review of you on this non-existent app.  

(Images via Giphy, Twitter)