Hulu is finally offering a commercial-free subscription
If given the option of watching commercials, and not watching commercials, you’re going to go with the latter, right? Well, that second scenario is about to come true for Hulu subscribers. The streaming platform announced earlier today that they’re going to start offering a brand new, commercial-free option — but, like many things in life, there’s a catch: This new subscription is a little bit more expensive than we’re used to.
Unlike the other streaming platform we’re very fond of (Netflix, LOVE YOU), Hulu has always had commercials mixed in with their shows. If you miss an episode of New Girl and want to check it out the next day, you can; but you’ll still find yourself with some short commercial breaks mixed in. With this new offering, though, you’ll be able to bypass commercials completely, making binges so much easier.
“[We] pride ourselves on listening to our customers and giving them the best possible experience,” Hulu CEO Mike Hopkins explained in a statement. “Many of our customers have asked us for a commercial-free option, and so. . . we are excited to introduce just that. In addition to an array of choices in content and devices, our customers can now choose to watch with or without commercials.”
Just how much is this new option going to cost you? $11.99 a month, commercial-free. As it stands right now, Hulu has two other ways to watch shows on its site: You can watch shows FOR FREE with regular commercials; or shell out $7.99 a month to watch with limited commercials (and get a bigger variety of programming).
Full disclosure, this new Hulu option is a tad bit more expensive than Netflix and Amazon Prime. Netflix’s lowest price is $7.99 a month for non-HD viewing on one screen (or $8.99 if you want HD). Amazon Prime is $99 for the year, coming out to $8.25 a month — but let’s not forget the magical perk of free 2-day shipping, too. Neither one of these platforms has commercials in the mix, and we like it that way. A commercial-free plan for Hulu seems like a no brainer.
Of course, what it really comes down to this: You need Hulu to watch the new season of Mindy Project, and is Mindy worth $4 more to watch commercial-free? We think so.
(Image via Fox.)
‘The Mindy Project’ is officially coming to Hulu! We can all breathe again.
Hulu is looking to introduce an ad-free option — but it’ll cost you