Ryan Murphy just revealed there’s a HUGE TWIST coming on “American Horror Story: Roanoke”

Hello, we’re two episodes into American Horror Story this season, and we finally know the theme, it’s Roanoke!! Or do we??

After a month of nothing but crazy American Horror Story promos, we discovered that the show is set in Roanoke — location of the Lost Colony of Roanoke — and it’s taking place in the past and present, via a documentary format. Is your mind already spinning? Well great, prepare for it to do a 180°, because according to Mr. Ryan Murphy, he is only just getting started and things are not what they seem.

In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, AHS Czar Murphy explains: "You’ll see starting in episode 6, the show has a huge turn and the thing that you think you’re watching is not what you’re watching...It’s a hat on a hat on a hat on a hat that we’ve had to protect.

Co-creator Brad Falchuk ads: “Even though the subject matter has gotten out, it’s irrelevant because nobody gets what we’re doing. No matter what you think it is, it’s not that. Then, episode 6 comes and you’re like, ‘Wait! What happened?’”


ORLY NOW. There’s a twist coming, huh? Maybe a twist like, IDK, like the fact that the actors/reenactors are really swapped, and the REAL Shelby is actually Sarah Paulson? A theory like that?

Though that’s a damn good theory, that probably not it (even though we can still hope). It sure sounds like Murphy and Falchuk believe NO ONE has figured out the twist, including us, so that means it’s back to the AHS Theories Drawing Board.

Murphy also believes that this season is split in two two halves, but according to Falchuk, “It’s like [episodes] 1-5, 6-9, and 10 is its own thing.

WHAT. DOES. THAT. MEAN. How many more ~~twists~~ can there possibly be in AHS?? Like there honestly might be a time where there are just TOO many AHS twists, and we’re getting close to that. We’re almost at Peak AHS Misdirect, you guys.

So this big twist better be hella good, Murphy.