Currently listening to: Hozier’s upbeat cover of Sam Smith’s “Lay Me Down”

Hozier: what’s not to love? The Irish rocker with the gorgeous, haunting voice never fails to blow us away. He’s been wowing us ever since his debut single “Take Me To Church,” and all of his work is stamped with that signature beauty that breaks our heart with every listen. His talent doesn’t just apply to his original work, though — his covers of popular hits, such as Ariana Grande’s “Problem” is filled with soul, too.

But guys. GUYS. Hozier has taken us to church all over again. And this time, it’s Sam Smith’s “Lay Me Down.” For BBC1’s Live Lounge, he totally killed it with his Motown-inspired spin on the 2014 hit song. It’s catchy and beautiful and dancey and amazing and we just really love it, OK?

Oh, and if you were wondering, Sam totally loved it, and took to Twitter to let him know with lots of exclamation points and love. “Brother @Hozier,” he tweeted. “f**king love the Live Lounge cover!!!! Anything you sing makes my heart jump. . . Big kisses sir xx”.

And, of course, Hozier was flattered. “Ahh! Thrilled you liked it,” Hozier wrote. “Was an absolute joy to cover – hope you’re keeping well man x”.

Look at those two being adorable! Honestly, we hope they collab together sometime soon. Check out the entire cover below, but don’t be surprised if you end up putting it on repeat, because we certainly are.

(Image via YouTube)

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