Everything you need to do before switching to natural deodorant

More than ever, there’s a multitude of natural deodorants available at both luxury and low-end price points. While it’s worth it to make the switch, especially if you think it’s right for your body, the first few weeks can be daunting.
Traditional antiperspirants clog pores to reduce sweat, so your body needs to get used to releasing them. This often results in an especially funky smell, but don’t be deterred. The longer you go without using traditional deodorant, the more the odor wanes. It can a while to fully acclimate, so don’t give up. Luckily, there are a few ways to prepare your pits to make the transition as smooth as possible.
1Don’t be afraid to sweat
You may be even sweatier than usual when switching as your body gets used to being free of pore-clogging aluminum. If you’re feeling especially self-conscious, wait until the weather is a cooler and do your workouts at home.
2Use a pit prep mask
Lavanila has a relatively new mask called the Healthy Underarm Detox that helps with the transition from traditional to natural deodorant. Formulated with all-natural ingredients, the mask is applied with a soft brush and works with most skin types. It acts like a magnet that draws out dirt, bacteria, aluminum, and excess oil using active charcoal, malic acid, and silica binding. This is a great, proactive way to stay on top of the transition and help your skin adjust to being aluminum-free.
3Find out if you have a baking soda sensitivity
The majority of natural deodorants have baking soda as their main ingredient. While this is harmless for most, a small chunk of the population could develop a rash, irritation, or skin darkening as a result. If this happens, stop using immediately. It can take a few weeks for the irritation to go away.
But don’t panic! Exfoliate your armpits regularly and move on to another solution. Luckily, there are tons of baking soda-free deodorants, whether you want to use a more traditional stick or a spray. A good indicator of baking soda sensitivity is toothpaste. If you can use one that has baking soda without it causing tooth pain, you’re good to go.
Sway is another natural deodorant people swear by that is free of baking soda. It’s the only deodorant that uses apple cider vinegar to fight stink. This also helps maintain the natural pH balance of your pits.
4Don’t be afraid of your stink.
If you’re feeling self conscious, just remember that this is NATURAL. It’s okay to be a little stinky, and since a lot of us have made the switch to natural deodorant in recent years, chances are high that most people around you have gone through this same process. If you’re really having a hard time with the smell, consider switching up your diet so that it’s extra clean. Knock out refined, processed foods that could affect your stench and stick to fresh ingredients instead.
Stick with it and you’ll be glad to be free of the tyranny of traditional deodorant in no time.