How to do ‘Corpse Bride’-inspired Halloween makeup to satisfy your Tim Burton obsession

If you’re a fan of Tim Burton’s cult classic Corpse Bride, you’ve definitely admired the gorgeous blues and creepy, exaggerated doll eyes of his characters. Luckily for us, there are a ton of awesome Youtube tutorials out there on how to make the perfect Corpse Bride-inspired makeup and costume for Halloween. To be fair, these costumes are pretty elaborate, so this look is perfect if you’re really into Halloween or are going to a costume party where slacking is NOT an option. The end result of these looks is nothing short of awe-inducing, so just now that your efforts will go to a really finish.

Check out some of our favorite Corpse Bride makeup tutorials below!

Corpse Bride Inspired Halloween Makeup

This look is involved, but the end result is truly stunning!

Colorful Corpse Bride Makeup Tutorial

The bright and neon colors in this look give it an incredible pop and creep factor. The wig is an amazing touch!

Haunting Corpse Bride Halloween Look

This look is definitely “inspired” by Burton’s movie, more so than the an exact replica, but the look is truly stunning and definitely delivers the Burton-esque creep factor.

Classy Corpse Bride Makeup Tutorial

This Corpse Bride inspired look is a lovely mix of creepy and elegant.

Corpse Bride Halloween Costume Tutorial

And last but not least, this Corpse Bride inspired look is nothing short of awe-inducing!

Happy Halloween, y’all!