How to do the “favorite movie” GIF Challenge on Instagram

The newest, cutest, and funniest craze sweeping across social media is the Instagram GIF Challenge. Artist Martina Martian created a series of fill-in-the-blank templates Instagram users can use to insert funny GIFs that describe their mood, personality, or favorite movie. How can you partake in the “favorite movie” GIF Challenge? We’ve got you covered.

First thing’s first, head over to Martina Martian’s Instagram page (@martinamartian). While you’re there checking out her challenge templates, you should definitely give her a follow. She creates bright and cheery designs that revolve around feminism and empowerment, and they will give your newsfeed an extra dose of happiness. According to her website, Martian has done illustrations for SnapChat, ASOS, and IKEA, to name just a few.

Below Martian’s Instagram bio, you’ll see a saved Story called GIF Challenges.

Tap on the story and then tap through the screens until you reach the “favorite movie” challenge template. Take a screenshot of the template so you can upload it to your own Instagram Story.

(Side note: also check out Martian’s “Free Stuff” Highlight. You can screenshot several of Martian’s designs to use as wallpaper for you phone. She also encourages people to share her work — but remember to give her a tag!)


Here’s what the favorite movie template looks like:


Once you’ve taken a screenshot of the template, head to your own Instagram page and tap your profile picture to add it to your Story. Then, pull up the screenshot from your library.

To add GIFs, tap on the small smiley-faced square in the top righthand corner of your screen. Then tap the “GIF” option in the menu.


Here’s the fun part: search for GIFs that best describe your fave movie in the search bar. Click, drag, and place in the template boxes to describe what the title of the film is or what the movie is about.

See if you can guess a few of ours:


Yeah, we cheated and only used two boxes for this one. But it’s kind of self-explanatory. Lady Bird, anyone?

How about this one:


If you guessed Frozen, you’re absolutely right.

And finally, try to guess this last one:


It’s Pride and Prejudice, duh!

Okay, we’re having way too much fun with this GIF Challenge. Thank you to Martina Martian for creating such a fun activity and distracting us from everything else we need to do.

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