Hooray: Huda Beauty is coming out with a highlighter palette

Everything Huda Kattan touches turns to gold. Grab your fan brushes, guys ‘cuz Huda just announced a new highlighter palette is on the way. Her sultry lashes continue to dominate our IG feeds, her polish collaboration with Formula X was a hit, and her liquid lipsticks sell like hot cakes, so you know this highlighter will be amazing. She has no plans on slowing down and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you’re one of @HudaBeauty’s 16 million followers you know why Huda’s got the Midas touch. Her bubbly personality is a breath of fresh air in a world of Instagram influencers and who wouldn’t love a woman who’s brave enough to use lube as a makeup primer?
Huda hasn’t released images of the palette but true highlight lovers can spy the shades from the BTS video. We’re thinking a true gold, champagne, and rose shade will be part of the collection.
Now that Huda has conquered lashes, lips, shadows, polish, and highlighters, we have a few more suggestions for her next business venture…
Skincare! Have you seen her makeup-free skin? It’s flawless.
Huda haircare is long overdue. Has she ever had a bad hair day?
FASH-ION. We’d love to see glam gowns and party dresses with Huda’s signature flair.
We’ll keep you posted when we get an official launch date! Until then, we’ll be practicing our strobing skills to get ready for the release.