The Hogwarts Express just saved a family in real life
Have you ever wanted to ride the Hogwarts Express in real life? Of course you have; every Harry Potter fan has dreamed of stepping on that magical train and heading to our most beloved of wizarding school (or is that just us?). Well, sometimes dreams come true: The Hogwarts Express made a real-life stop that saved a family in peril. And who says magic is just for kids?
A family on vacation in Scotland saw their bad luck turn into a fantastic adventure in an unexpected way. The family of six (four of them young children) was vacationing off the shore of Loch Eilt when they realized their canoe was gone. The only problem? That canoe was the only thing standing between them and a lengthy and dangerous hike back to the family car. When they called the police to explain their predicament, they got an unexpected (but well-received) response.
“The policeman said, ‘We’ve arranged for the next train passing to stop for you, and you’re not going to believe this but it’s the Hogwarts Express steam train. Your kids are going to love it," dad John Cluet told the BBC in an interview.
He went on to recall, “The train is getting closer, we’re running down, stuff bouncing everywhere, big smiles on the kids faces. It all started to be fun at that point. I’m slightly sad because I’d lost my boat — but the kids, when they saw the steam train coming, all sadness left their little faces and was replaced by excitement and fun— just the real joy of having an adventure and having the train stop right next to them.”
When it’s not taking young wizards to school on the big screen, the Hogwarts Express is actually known as the On Friday. Being saved by such a famous and iconic train? That’s a story in and of itself. It just goes to show that magic can appear in the most unexpected places.