SISTERS, a “Hocus Pocus” sequel is happening — it’s just happening as a book

Gather up all the virgins and light a Black Flame candle, because the Sanderson Sisters are coming back into town. Yes, three months after Halloween and nine months before the next Halloween, Disney has just announced that they plan to F-I-N-A-L-L-Y make a sequel to Hocus Pocus, because we have waited long enough
The only thing you need to know upfront is that the sequel will be a *book*, not a movie, or even a Disney Channel Original movie. But hey, you know what they say — first comes the sequel to a movie in book form, and then comes the movie based off of the book sequel which is based off the original movie. This is happening.
It actually gets better, because according Oh My Disney, who first revealed this big news, the new novel is actually a twofer, as in it’s half a retelling of the OG movie we know and love, half a continuation of the story. According to the official plot synopsis: “Shortly after moving from California to Salem, Max Dennison finds himself in hot water when he accidentally releases a coven of witches from the afterlife. Max, his sister, and his new friends (human and otherwise) must find a way to stop the witches from carrying out their evil plan and remaining on Earth to torment Salem for all eternity.”
Oh yes, we watched that unfold in Hocus Pocus. As for what’s new?
"Twenty-five years later, Max and Allison’s seventeen-year-old daughter, Poppy, finds herself face-to-face with the Sanderson sisters in all their sinister glory. When Halloween celebrations don’t quite go as planned, it’s a race against time as Poppy and her friends fight to save her family and all of Salem from the witches’ latest death-defying scheme."
Sign us up, and we don’t even have to wait for All Hallow’s Eve for this to happen! The book, Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel, hits shelves on July 10th, which basically means that Halloween comes early this year. Now all we have to do is wait for someone to turn this book into a movie, and bring this full circle.