Hinge now lets you caption photos, which should make online dating better and way more interesting

We all know that the grind of online dating can be a difficult balance of mind-numbingly dull text conversations, inappropriate pics, and genuine positive human interaction. Hinge has always billed itself as a relationship app rather than a ‘hook up’ app, like some other apps are called. And while it’s worth noting that ~apps are only what you make of them~, Hinge’s interface definitely asks a little more of its users than just a pretty face. If you haven’t used it before, the app basically lets you put together a scroll with pictures and answers to questions like “if you could get a tattoo of an emoji which would it be” along with basic information. Then, as you go through other people’s profiles, you can like or comment on their pictures or answers, and if they’re into it, they can strike up a conversation.

Starting today, Hinge will allow users to caption their photos, which will definitely cut down on confused comments like “which one r u?” and “is that ur kid?”


The new feature is pretty aesthetically pleasing, which is nice. We also appreciate the opportunity to get a better sense for people’s voices — with mostly brief answers to questions, it can be hard to get a good idea of who you’re talking to before you start talking.


Another benefit: testing by Hinge shows that photos with captions receive TWICE as many likes as photos without captions. Yup, that’s right. Show us the honeys, Hinge.


Plus, sometimes a little clarification is necessary.


We’re pretty excited to test the new feature out. We think it’s a super solid addition to an app that’s already fighting the good fight.