Hillary Clinton penned a year-end message, saying it’s “a dark time for our country”

Hillary Clinton reflected on 2018 with a heartfelt year-end message on social media. The former secretary of state took to Instagram on December 31st to call for “more light in 2019” after a tumultuous 2018, which she dubbed “a dark time for our country.” The message accompanied an old photo of the former first lady alongside husband Bill Clinton and their daughter, Chelsea in a sweet embrace. In the caption, she heralded activists, journalists, and voters.

“In many ways, 2018 was a dark time for our country. As it ends, I'm grateful to everyone who brought light into it: activists who protected kids at the border, journalists who stood up for truth, organizers who mobilized voters for the 2018 elections, candidates who ran races with grit and inspiration, voters who made their voices heard, and absolutely everyone who marched, donated, called, and protested to fight for the values we share," she wrote.

She concluded, “Here’s to more light in 2019, and to a shared commitment to make it as bright as possible. Happy New Year.”

Clinton’s heartfelt sentiment references a year of political and social upheaval for the United States—which included the Central American migrant caravans that traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border for asylum, a contentious midterm election, and several mass shootings. In October, Clinton was among the top Democrats targeted with suspicious bomb packagings.

Given the 2018 we’ve all had, we’re all for a 2019 with more light.

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