There’s a new Lifetime web series imagining Hillary Clinton running for president of her high school and we’re extremely intrigued

With the most important election of our time just around the corner, it’s no surprise that everyone and everything is focused on politics right now. And while there’s no doubt that there will be more and more movies and television shows centered around everything that’s currently happening, Lifetime has already hopped on the political TV train with their newest web series, The Young Hillary Diaries.

The series imagines a young Hillary Rodham (AKA Hillary Clinton) in 1964 as she takes on her high school in a bid for class president at East Plains High School.

In The Young Hillary Diaries, Hillary faces doubt and opposition from her classmates, one of which who is *coincidentally* named RONALD STUMP, who tells her, “Hey dummy. Is there anything else you can do with your time? Get a real job — in the home!”

Hmmm…sounds curiously on point considering the current election!

In the trailer, young Hillary also says:

“I’ve been told I need to smile more and act more ladylike. I’ll act like every other woman in history who was told they couldn’t do it because it’s never been done.

The series was created by Mandy Fabian, Jessica Cabot, Celia Blundo, and Tyler Bourdeau, and stars Cabot as Hillary.

You can watch the first full episode below!

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