Hillary in Hollywood?

No matter your political affiliation, you have to admit that Hillary Rodham Clinton is one boss b*tch. Before she was known as Slick Willie’s loyal First Lady, Hillary had strong ambitions of her own and worked hard as a young attorney with the House Committee on the Judiciary in 1974 (after graduating from Yale Law School, no less). During her involvement with the Committee, Rodham was on a research staff investigating impeachment procedures surrounding Nixon’s Watergate scandal. These procedures, which Rodham helped to solidify, were later used to impeach her own husband after he “did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

Flash forward several decades later and some might say that Hillary’s accomplishments have surpassed those of her presidential husband. Screenwriter Young Il Kim has taken a particular interest in Hillary’s early life though and Hollywood has taken notice in Kim. Having recently found a director for the film (James Ponsoldt), Rodham, as it is currently titled, is about “a journey of a woman who was torn between her personal desires and her professional ambition — both literally pulled her thousands of miles apart, because Bill did not want to leave Arkansas, and she did not want to leave Washington, D.C.”

While the story will no doubt be an interesting one, rumors are circulating that an unlikely actress may be up for the main role: Scarlett Johansson. With casting still in the early stages, nothing has been set in stone, but Johansson will reportedly be competing with actresses like Jessica Chastain, Amanda Seyfried and Reese Witherspoon.

Does Scarlett make sense to you? Who else could you see as Clinton?

Featured image via Shutterstock

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