This is that dope Hillary Clinton Yankees hat shirt that Lena Dunham and Rihanna are wearing

Can anyone make a basic T-shirt look better than Rihanna? Woman oozes style with nary a try, but last week she upped everyone’s tee game when she was spotted in NYC wearing a shirt printed with a photo of Clinton proudly rocking a Yankees baseball cap, and in turn upping every woman’s bball cap game.

Of course, it might be easy to rock a T-shirt when you pair it with some bad ass Timberland boots, 4-carat Harry Kotlar diamond studs and a $4,400 Louis Vuitton x Frank Gehry box bag.

RiRi can’t vote in the states, but she sure can cast her preference, and so can you.

The limited release T-shirt by TRAPVILLA is now available online, and is only $35.

Or, you can go the Lena Dunham route, and make a T-shirt of Rihanna wearing her Hillary T-shirt.

Or, take one step further in the hall of women-for-Hillary mirrors, and make a T-shirt of Lena wearing a T-shirt of Rihanna wearing a T-shirt of Hill.

She’s with her and she’s with her and she’s with her and #ImWithHer.

RiRi has been urging her fans to vote, telling the audience at one of her concerts in September, “I can’t vote, so ya’ll gotta do that for me.”


We know that RiRi is the boss, so we all better listen. “All right, well, if you have a cell phone in your hand you don’t really have an excuse not to be registered,” she continued. “It’s crazy numbers right now – over 70 million Americans are not registered to vote and it saddens me because young people are the future. So I want ya’ll to make sure that whatever happens here… The power is in your hands – literally right in your cell phone.”


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