Watch Hillary Clinton thank “activist bitches supporting bitches” for their feminism

In case you were feeling tired of fighting the good fight in 2018, Hillary Clinton — last year’s most admired woman — has a message for you. The former Secretary of State and presidential candidate shared a message for feminists and activists in a video posted to Twitter on Friday, January 26th.

“Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks,” Clinton says in the video shared by Alex Mohajer, a political writer and commentator at HuffPost and Bros4America. “Thanks for your feminism, for your activism, and all I can hope is you keep up the really important, good work.”  

You can hear someone off-screen tell Clinton to mention “activist bitches supporting bitches,” which causes her to laugh and add a final message of thanks to those “activist bitches.”

“And let me just say this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches, so let’s go.”

If she had a mic, we really hope she dropped it.

The video was released the same day that The New York Times reported that Clinton protected a campaign staffer accused of sexual harassment during the 2008 election, but there’s no indication of where or when the video was originally recorded.

While the message confused some people on Twitter, Clinton is actually referencing a Facebook group called “Activist Bitches Supporting Bitches.” The video was filmed as a private shout-out to the group. false

You can watch Clinton’s full “activist bitches” message below.

Some Twitter users were quick to condemn Clinton’s message, pointing out that Trump came (rightfully) under fire after calling parts of the world “shithole countries” while Clinton could say “activist bitches,” seemingly without any backlash. Others were quick to shut down the haters, though. false

Either way, we’re totally here for women supporting other women. You do you, Hillary!

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