This girl’s totally original yearbook quote is going bonkers viral
When you think of “yearbook quote,” you tend to think of quotes that skew sentimental. You know, wisdom about life and love and the future and all that good stuff. Well, 17-year-old Rafika Alami of Summit High School in California just changed the yearbook quote game by choosing a particularly clever statement as the words she wanted to be remembered by. As she tweeted last week:
The photo has since gone viral, with much of social media both laughing along with Rafika and saluting her for a joke that serves to disarm her audience and empower herself.
According to Teen Vogue, “Rafika seems to be suggesting that she levels the dating playing field by shielding part of her beauty with the veil — otherwise other girls wouldn’t stand a chance at getting any attention.” But perhaps she’s also making a statement about her choice to wear a hijab. While many Muslim females are often misrepresented as being forced into wearing a hijab, for countless women and girls it’s a choice and an awesome expression of their beliefs and heritage.
In high school, where the pressure to blend in is constant, it takes strength of character to stay true to yourself and stand up for what you believe in. And to have a sense of humor about it all? That’s just one win after another.
Of course, Rafika is pretty humble about her idea to run the quote: “I just thought it would be kind of funny if I put it as my senior quote,” Rafika told The Huffington Post. “I meant it in no way offensively, just humorously.”
“The reactions have been great,” she added. “Most of the comments consist of ‘slay’ or ‘GOAT’ (Greatest of All Time).” No doubt, Twitter is blowing up with praise for Rafika.
Perhaps the most moving reaction was one Rafika, herself, retweeted.
For the record, Rafika is thrilled that her viral quote isn’t just making people laugh, but inspiring them as well.
“A lot of girls are telling me that I’ve inspired them to be confident, which makes me feel great,” she told The Huffington Post. “I think it’s important that girls feel more confident.”
Give it up for Rafika Alami, who figured out how to empower herself and others in the coolest way.
(Image via Twitter)