Hide Your Status Updates! Children Are Invading Social Media
The biggest competitions and controversies come around only once every four years: U.S. Presidential elections, the 29th of February, the Summer Olympics, and the Winter Olympics. In fact, Sochi is practically becoming synonymous with the word “controversial.” Oh, hey there, Russian Army Choir!
Already feeling Sochi fatigue? Break away with another brand new “The Week In WHAT?!”
Social Media BeTween Friends?
When your very distant cousins joined Facebook and friended you, it became slightly less fun to share your wild night photos. Then your parents signed up, and things got uncomfortable at the dinner table. Finally, your 13-year-old siblings wanted to see what all the fuss was about and you refused to accept the friend requests. So, how will you respond now that the under-10 crowd is interested in knowing all about you? According to a new survey, 59% percent of tweens are joining social networks despite the age restrictions. We may have finally solved the mystery behind Justin Bieber’s 49+ million Twitter followers.
Face The Wave
There’s something soothing about watching the waves crash along a sandy shoreline. Although, nature has a tendency to quickly shock you, especially when a wave takes the form of an incredibly defined face worthy of Photoshop. Fortunately, a spectator managed to grab a snapshot of the image, which caused as much of an uproar as spotting the Loch Ness monster! Always be prepared because a picture is worth way more than a thousand words when it comes to convincing your friends about the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment you witnessed.
Snow There Goes The Boom
New Yorkers spent most of this first week of February 2014 dealing with a double whammy of snow. Many took to Twitter and Facebook to lament, while others shared both serene and grotesque images of the storms on Instagram. However, a man in Brooklyn found himself entering into a fluke contest with a snow plow. The fight only lasted one round, with the plow the victor. How did the man deal with the KO? Lets go to the video tape!
Is There A House In The Doctor?
There are times when life imitates art, and sometimes that art is television. A doctor in Germany cracked an allegedly difficult to solve medical case after watching an episode of “House” featuring a similar story. Before being brought in to help figure out why the patient suffered from such symptoms as heart failure, vision and hearing loss, acid reflux, and enlarged lymph nodes, the doctor gave a lecture on the helpful episode. Despite the coincidence, he explained a Google search would have led to the same result. Other German doctors and Hugh Laurie — ya burnt!
And there you have this week in “WHAT?!” Can’t wait to see what’s in store for humanity next!
Image via Shutterstock.
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