This music video for “Hey Child” by pop duo Korbee is making us long for summer

Ever get a song stuck in your head for weeks on end? If it’s a bad song, it can often seem like a nightmare. But if it’s a good song, it gives your day a bit of a positive boost. So, fair warning that after you listen to “Hey Child” by the pop band Korbee, it’ll be hard to shake. (And for the record, it falls into the latter category.)

Korbee — a Los Angeles-based pop/folk band that consists of musicians Jenn Korbee and Tom Korbee — have been playing together since 2013. Prior to, they were part of the act “Korbee Jones,” which had them play alongside Daniel Jones of Savage Garden. As a duo, they were quick to release their first 6-song EP, Great Escape, which came out in 2014.

From what we can tell, they’re big fans of releasing acoustic versions of their songs. And for good reason.

“Hey Child” isn’t the first, and likely not the last, song that the band has experimented with. The original version, without surprise, debuted this summer. All in all, the band managed to put out two very different, yet very beautiful variants of the same tune.

Not only does the acoustic rendition truly emphasize the band’s impressive vocals, but it’s the first to get a music video.

We’re pretty lucky to be able to exclusively premiere the video of “Hey Child.” Watch, listen, and truly see why these two talented individuals have blossomed in the music industry.

Presented as a film, we’re loving that the end even has its own closing credits.

If watching that made you feel like going on a cross-country road trip this summer, trust us — you’re not alone. (At the very least, we want to invest in a tambourine.)

As a band, Korbee is set on making sure their fans “stay wild.” Not only is the positive message scrolled across their merchandise, but this adrenaline-pumping footage of their live performances is pretty much living proof.

Even better, 2017 dates will be announced soon. Without a doubt, their music will definitely help brighten up the year.