Here’s who Kit Harington wants to take the Iron Throne at the end of “Game of Thrones”

You might be hoping for Jon Snow to sit on the throne, but the actor has other ideas. Kit Harington has thought about how Game of Thrones should end, and his character actually takes a surprising back seat. Maybe he’s just being modest.
Harington, like the rest of us, is anxiously awaiting the seventh season of Game of Thrones. While one more season is set to air after this one, both upcoming seasons are going to be much shorter than seasons past. So, even though we shouldn’t focus too much on the ultimate ending — which is set to start filming in September — it’s still on our minds.
But, let’s think positively. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Harington noted that it was a blast being able to film scenes with certain cast members that he hasn’t worked with in years.
While we’ve known for awhile that the cast was close, we’re more or less excited by who Harington thinks will claim the throne at the end of the series. Keep in mind, Harington likely doesn’t know too much about how the show will end.
We’re guessing those are spoilers that George R.R. Martin will keep hidden from the main cast. Plus, Harington himself hates spoilers.
"I'm so protective over this show now," he said. "I'm so fond of it and as it gets towards the end, and all these exciting things happen, which I want to be shocks for people, it really infuriates me when I see someone ruining that [for] people."
That said, he really thinks that Tyrion — played by actor Peter Dinklage — will be the one sitting on the throne.
At least, according to Entertainment Tonight, he believes Tyrion is the “most worthy” of the honor.
We have to say, we wouldn’t hate that ending. Tyrion has had quite the journey so far, and has survived through a few horrific storylines in the past few years.
The show will be wrapping up sooner than we think, so we’ll get our answers eventually. But as for now, we’ll be prepping our popcorn for the start of Season 7, which will be airing this Sunday on HBO