Here’s how President Obama is going to protect Planned Parenthood

Sometimes you just need a little good news, and boy do we have some! Part of his his goodbye to the presidency, President Obama is going to protect Planned Parenthood. We’re actually cheering. After this week, it feels like it’s been AGES since anything was going our way. Many wondered what a Trump presidency would mean for Planned Parenthood, but Obama made moves to protect Planned Parenthood funding permanently. TG!!

According to The Huffington Post,

"The new rule, which The Department of Health and Human Services proposed last week, says that states cannot withhold Title X federal family planning money from certain recipients for any reason other than the provider’s 'ability to deliver services to program beneficiaries in an effective manner.' That means states can no longer vote to defund Planned Parenthood because some of its clinics offer abortion services. 

Like, THANK GOODNESS. We’re not even sure why this was up for argument.

The internet is filled with gratitude.

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Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, explained why this matters. She said,

“This will make a real difference in so many people’s lives."

Richards continued,

“Thanks to the Obama administration, women will still be able to access the birth control they need to plan their families, and the cancer screenings they need to stay healthy.

 Too, Richards said, this will make it more difficult for people to politicize women’s healthcare and abortions. She said,

“This rule makes it clear that politicians cannot ignore the law as they pursue their agenda to stop women from getting the care they need."

This will have a major impact on the lives of people all cross the country. President Obama is going to protect Planned Parenthood, and TG for that.