Here’s why everyone is talking about Melania Trump’s speech last night — and not in a good way

Last night, Melania Trump made history with her speech at the Republican National Convention — and probably not in the way she’d hoped. The potential future first lady plagiarized a speech by our current first lady, none other than Michelle Obama.
People are *not* having it. false
According to The New York Times, Jarrett Hill, a journalist, was the first to note the similarities between the speeches, sampled below.
Upon realizing that Melania’s speech was for the most part plagiarized, the internet responded with #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes, highlighting how absolutely ridiculous the entire situation is by attributing quotes that are very much not by Melania to her. false false false false
While the tweets are absolutely *beyond* hilarious, it’s so important to recognize how massively disrespectful the move was. Not only is it super bizarre to take words from someone you supposedly fundamentally disagree with, but stealing from FLOTUS is a, uh, bold (and ill-advised) move.
It’s basically all around an icky situation.
Melania, not your best move.