Here’s a video of glitter nail polish getting blended, and it’s unbelievably soothing

For some strange reason, watching videos of glitter nail polish getting blended is our preferred method of relaxation at the moment. Typically, all the sparkle and shine glitter has to offer gets us pretty hyped up, but these polishing mixing clips from Welshforhill, the Instagram page of Freckles Polish owner, has us in full-on chill mode. Now if someone could whip us up a large glitter cranberry mimosa for the occasion, this unexpected R&R sesh would be complete.

There’s something about seeing a clump of silvery glitter floating on top of a glob of nail polish that feels so unresolved. Maybe it’s just us, but it elicits a strong sense of anxiety and we kind of want to scream “OMG, CAN SOMEONE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ALREADY?!” but as soon as we’re thisclose to losing it, this magical mixing happens and life feels balanced again:

Who knew nail polish mixing could be so mesmerizing?

Oooohhh. SO PRETTY.

*Zones out into a state of pure bliss*

Also, here’s nail polish being poured into a bottle that feels just as satisfying.

Getting a manicure will never be the same again, guys. We are actually crying real glitter tears of gratification because these videos are so soothing. If ever there was an incentive to go on a DIY nail polish making spree, experiencing the truly rewarding payoff of noticeably calmer nerves is it.

Sorry, cat videos and gross AF pimple-popping clips. If we pay you a little less attention (at least, for now), forgive us because we’ve officially discovered a new internet video obsession.