Henry Cavill’s mustache is causing a headache for the “Justice League” reshoots, and yes, this is a real thing

For some reason, we’re living in the golden age of movie reshoots. It all started last year when we learned Lucasfilm’s Rogue One would go into extensive reshoots to tweak and tone the Star Wars stand-alone movie – and ever since then, learning about reshoots on movies has suddenly become a BIG THING we like to talk about.

So it should come as no surprise that we are very interested to hear that Justice League — DC’s upcoming superhero team up between Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, and Cyborg — would head back into the studio to film again. These reshoots were planned all along for the movie, and after the film’s director, Zack Snyder, bowed out for family issues, Joss Whedon stepped in to handle the additional footage. Nothing major and/or suspicious, or even hilarious about this situation — yet!

Well, according to a new story from Variety, these reshoots are totally going according to plan. Except for Henry Cavill’s mustache.

Here’s the thing: Henry Cavill currently has a glorious mustache for Mission: Impossible. Superman (spoiler alert, I guess, Superman doesn’t stay dead forever!) doesn’t have a mustache. In order to reprise his role as Clark Kent, he’s going to have to shave his mustache…except that Paramount, the studio behind Mission: Impossible, isn’t allowing that to happen. This means, currently there are scenes being shot *right now* where Superman has a mustache.

As Variety writes:

"[Cavill] had expected to be able to finish shooting the sixth Mission: Impossible film before needing to don Superman’s spandex again. That has not been the case, however, as the new scenes that are being shot have required him to jump back and forth from each production. Because of this, a mustache he grew for his character in the Mission: Impossible sequel will have to be digitally removed in post-production. Paramount, which is distributing the Mission: Impossible sequel, would not allow Cavill to shave the facial hair while production was taking place."

Raise your hand if this is the best #MustacheGate story you’ve ever heard ✋. Paramount won’t let him shave, and now Warner Bros. has to *digitally remove* his facial hair. TBH, this might be the best reshoot drama to ever happen.

Oh, also these reshoots are hella expensive, and Variety reports that it’s costing the studio roughly $25 million for these additional scenes. No word on how much money is being spent to give Cavill a clean shave.