HelloGiggles Video Exclusive: Anya Marina – ‘You Are Invisible’
When I wrote this song, I wanted to talk about that quality we all have when we are kids–that feeling of being totally unselfconscious, pretending to be invisible, maybe, or even invincible with our sense of imagination. Where does it go when we get older? When does inhibition start to creep in? I remember reading that book Reviving Ophelia years ago and it said that smart, funny, outspoken, 7 year old American girls would start to become shy, quiet and self-conscious around 9, 10, 11. So, this song is about looking for that girl, that place, within.
I teamed up with one of my favorite people in the world, writer/director Hope Royaltey (Ca$hino, The P@ssionate and the Privileged) and we ran around New York City one day bringing this idea to life. This is one of the only songs I’ve written that gets me really emotional time and again whenever I play it–it’s something about the nostalgic lyrics
like when you were small
in the eyes
playing with sticks and stones
fuckin around
didn’t know fear from your little toe
…or the sad little drumsticks that sound like a child playing–something Hope captured in the video, too–I hope you like it.
I love you, HelloGiggles Girls + Community of Writers + Readers! Thanks for existing and being rad.
Anya’s full length album Felony Flats is available everywhere. Check AnyaMarina.com for upcoming tour dates, news, AM Radio podcast info, and follow her on Instagram @anya_marina and Twitter @anyamarina