Wait, Hello Kitty has a farm?

It seems like we are constantly learning new things about our favorite cat who isn’t actually a cat (remember, don’t let the whiskers fool you, Hello Kitty is a little girl). What’s the latest Hello Kitty bombshell? She moonlights as an organic farmer.

Indeed, our beloved bow-wearing non-cat has her own organic farm, the Hello Kitty Go Green Organic Farm in Hong Kong. It is the first Hello Kitty themed farm and currently the only Hello Kitty themed farm — Hello Kitty also keeps very busy with her flight attendant job on Eva Air. The farm originally opened in 2010, and was envisioned as a place for urban dwellers to get a little farm zen in their lives. Hello Kitty was brought into the mix last year, in the hopes of appealing to a larger clientele and teaching many more about the importance of lo-carbon, organic farming. With Hello Kitty at the farming helm, the farm now has appeal far beyond root vegetables. Who wouldn’t want to be greeted by the friendliest little farmer around?

The farm is pretty user friendly, and fingers crossed for a sister farm in the US of A opening sometime soon. Anyone can rent out a plot of land at Hello Kitty’s farm, and kids can participate in the “Hello Kitty Little Farmer Program,” where they maintain a 2×2.5 plot of land for two months, before graduating from the program. Adults who rent spaces are able to participate in complimentary farming classes. I maintain that a Hello Kitty farm like this would be crazy nuts popular stateside, and we could all benefit from a little bit of Hello Kitty-taught plant knowledge — especially if you’re someone like me who kills off cacti on the regular.

For those who might not be too keen on the idea of DIY-farming, there’s also merchandise shop — obviously — where you can purchase exclusive Hello Kitty Go Green swag, like an adorable Hello Kitty Scarecrow. There’s also an organic cafe, and a place to BBQ, too. Bonus of the Hello Kitty Farm: she is wearing an adorable little farming outfit. I think I speak for all of us when I say, “I want to go to there.”

The only problem is that if we want to visit, we have to travel to Hong Kong which is a very long flight. There appears to be Groupon for the farm (50% off!), but I think it’s sold out. I also cannot read Chinese, so it could say something else entirely. Regardless, this is one of those situations where price is no object — so long as it means I can farm alongside Hello Kitty.

Images via here, here and here.