Welcome to our new site!

Hello there,

Did you click on the site this morning and think WHAT IS HAPPENING? Where is my HELLO GIGGLES? Why is the world SO HARSH?

Well, never fear. We’ve changed, but not a lot. We’re changing, but for the better.

Today begins the first of a series of refreshes to our site, the first of a series of enhancements to make HelloGiggles an even friendlier place for our community and our contributors. Our new logo is based on the idea of a family crest; it’s more grown up than we’ve ever been and it’s meant to convey that HelloGiggles isn’t just about founders or editors, we’re a platform for contributors to share their amazing words, video, art, and ideas. More simply: “We were looking to put forth an image which reflects the family we have become, so we chose an image that represents all of us rather than just the co-founders,” says Zooey, our Chief Creative Officer.

In the next couple of months we’ll be rolling out more changes to our site design and introducing exciting new ways you all can contribute. In the meantime, send us ideas! Our site is made by and made for all of you and we want to share your incredible work now more than ever.

So check out the new site, click around, dive in and let us know what you think!

And, as always, thank you so much for reading us, creating for us, and being a part of this inspiring community.

We are so grateful.


The HelloGiggle Team