Helen Mirren kills it in Morticia Addams dress, is #stylegoals personified

The Hollywood force of nature and eternally lovely Helen Mirren killed it in a Morticia Addams-esque dress while attending the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards on Monday night. The star of Raising Helen, newest addition to the Fast and the Furious familyand veteran of shutting down sexism looked like a million bucks while giving a speech about her personal journey in Hollywood, and her intention to be the “nastiest of nasty women” as she moves ahead into the future.

It seems too perfect that the incredibly hard-working actress Mirren who has spoken out against ageism and the sexist double-standards against women would continue to flaunt her fashion sense and beauty into her 70s.


Also, her matching clutch and necklace are elevating the ensemble to a whole different level of killing it.

We imagine a shopping trip with Mirren would involve a heavy dose of witty banter.


We can only assume that Mirren will continue to channel the dark seductress vibes of Morticia Addams as she fully transforms into the ultimate Nasty Woman.