A real-life Harry Potter wand now exists, people!
Want to have a real-life wizard duel with your friends? There’s going to be an app for that.
A few wizard enthusiasts just launched a brand new Kickstarter to make this dueling dream a reality. They want to bring the wizardly magic wand to life, and it’ll be made up of three parts: An actual wand (called the Maggus Wand) to wave around in the area, a wearable player badge, and the app that will be loaded onto your smart phone. Put these things together, and BOOM, suddenly you can cast spells with your friends.
How will it all work? Magic. Oh, and infrared LEDs. The “Maguss Wand” has one, and so does the Maguss badge that you’ll wear on your school robe. Since it’s all magic, the badge will be able to sense the movement of the wand, and will then be able to tell you if you won the duel against Malfoy your opponent, or lost. All of this will be uploaded to the Maguss app on your phone, so you can level-up, unlock more spells, and manage more mischief.
Even though the Maguss Wand is heavily based on the world of Harry Potter, this isn’t a wand you’re going to find in Ollivanders. Spells are different, too, and include new ones like “Tsunamio,” and “Crenna,” because of copyright laws, of course. (Even the term “Maguss” is new. The only thing it sort-of resembles is animagus).
Still, though, this wand sounds pretty awesome — and it even makes spell sounds. For about $28 you can get your own non-working replica of the wand to wave around as you please. For $66 you’ll actually get the full package, wand, app, everything. Small price to pay to be able to actually challenge some Slytherins to a midnight duel . . . which is actually priceless.
The Kickstarter just launched, and will run for another month. The Maguss Wand has an estimated ship date of December 2015, so you could be dueling sooner than you think.
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[Image via Maguss]