Today in awesome: A bookstore is tweeting out every line of “Harry Potter” to Piers Morgan

When Piers Morgan got into a Twitter spat with J.K. Rowling — you know, the one and only author of hilarious tweets and that famously successful book series Harry Potter — he promised he wouldn’t read any of Rowling’s books. So someone decided to tweet every line of Harry Potter to Piers instead. And it’s beautiful.

It all started when Piers Morgan recently went on a talk show and got into a political fight, as it seems everyone does nowadays. It didn’t go well for Piers, and since then, he’s been getting a lot of negative tweets directed at him. Rowling decided to point that out. And…well, the feud started and ultimately Piers swore to never read Rowling’s books. Shots fired.

Oh no! How dare he? Rowling reminded Piers why everyone should read Harry Potter. There are some great lessons in there about what happens to bullies!

But, since Piers vowed to never read Harry Potter, it’s not like he’s going to listen to Rowling. So, bookstore owner Simon Key decided to help him out by tweeting every line at him, because why not? Simon explained to Sky News exactly why he’s tweeting the book at Piers, other than just because it’s hilarious:

"He clearly needs a bit of a break from all the abuse, so as he mentioned that he hasn't read any JK Rowling, rather then having to tear himself away from Twitter to read it, I'd tweet him."

Simon began with the first lines of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, tweet number one of 32,567! So yeah, there’s a long way to go! But shouldn’t everyone experience the joy of Harry Potter? Maybe that’s exactly what Piers Morgan needs.

Follow along if you’re also interested in reading Harry Potter in 140 character chunks (just finished Chapter 1, “The Boy Who Lived.”) You’ll be done before you know it!

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