‘Harry Potter’ LIVE is coming! Here’s what we know about JK Rowling’s new play

OK, try and remain calm, Muggles, but that might be out of the question right now. Word has just gotten out that there’s a new Harry Potter story in the works, and it’s 100% certified and approved by Harry Potter scribe, J.K. Rowling. It’s going to be a play, it’s going to open in London’s West End Palace Theatre, and it is coming our way in 2016. Take a few moments to appropriately freak out.

News about this play — which is not a prequel, but more on that in a few — first came in 2013, when Rowling posted to Facebook that she was working on a story that would “explore the previously untold story of Harry’s early years as an orphan and outcast. Featuring some of our favourite characters from the Harry Potter books, this new work will offer a unique insight into the heart and mind of the now legendary young wizard.”

You had us hooked at the word, “Harry.”

Now, two years later, real, solid information about this new play is emerging. First up, it’ll be called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. While Harry Potter himself will factor into the story somehow, according to UK’s Daily Mail, it sounds as if the real focus of the play will be his parents, James and Lily Potter. With James and Lily, that means there could be a parade of other characters from their younger days, from everyone to Lily’s sister, Petunia, Snape, and the Marauders, including Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and ugh I guess, Peter Pettigrew.

While Rowling did not write the script for the play, she is serving as co-producer, which means she has a say in everything. The play is being written by Jack Thorne (who’s best known in the UK for his work on Skins and Shameless) and will be directed by John Tiffany (who’s got a Tony Award for directing Broadway’s Once). Casting is reportedly underway for the production RIGHT NOW, so if you’ve got a headshot and know stage right from stage left, this is your chance to make us all proud because we’re all going to come and see you in Londonn when Cursed Child opens in 2016.

And yes, Rowling is just as excited about it as we are. She’s already voiced her love and support for the play on Twitter. After once again reminding us that it is NOT a prequel, she shares a few little tidbits.

Also it’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone publish-day birthday. It first came out in the UK 18 years ago. I know there’s a lot of HP stuff happening right now, so if you need to take a few minutes (or hours) to gather your thoughts, that’s fine. Know that more’s going to keep on coming, because there can never be enough Harry Potter in the world.

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(Image via Warner Bros.)

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