Harrison Ford has some harsh words for the Trump administration and climate change deniers

From Star Wars to Indiana Jones to Star Wars *again*, actor Harrison Ford continues to keep audiences entertained with his quick wit and on-point delivery. While his acting career continues to flourish, he also pursues other passions too. Conservation International, a non-profit environmental group, honored the actor on Thursday night for his involvement over the last 26 years. He received the Founders’ Award, and in his acceptance speech, Ford shared some harsh words about the Trump administration and climate change deniers. And he didn’t hold anything back.

The very next day, on Friday, the White House finally recognized that climate change might be real. (We hate to say We told you so, but…we told you so.) According to The New York Times, the latest National Climate Assessment officially confirmed that despite the Trump administration’s ongoing doubts, humans are predominantly responsible for our current pace and pattern of climate change. Does the report have anything to do with Ford’s speech? Probably not. But the timing is definitely interesting.

Ford, who has developed a reputation for being a *bit* grumpy in the past few years, held nothing back when delivering his speech. He spoke in earnest about the importance of protecting the Earth for generations to come.

"We face an unprecedented moment in this country. Today’s greatest threat is not climate change, not pollution, not flood or fire. It’s that we’ve got people in charge of important shit who don’t believe in science," Ford said during his Founders' Award acceptance speech, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Ford has met with lawmakers, businesses, and communities alike to improve conservation policies and practices.

The actor and activist serves as an executive chair of the organization. He stressed the importance of the relationship between conservation and politics.

In addition, he criticized politicians who let “political or economic self-interest denigrate or belittle sound scientific understanding of the causes and effects of human pressure on the environment.”

"I’m here tonight for one reason: I care deeply for the natural world. It’s not about me, it’s not about me at all, it’s about this other world we’re going to leave behind," Ford continued. "If we don’t stop the destruction of nature, nothing else will matter. Jobs won’t matter, our economies won’t matter, our freedoms and ethics won’t matter, our children’s education and potential won’t matter, peace, prosperity. If we end the ability of a healthy natural world to sustain humanity nothing else will matter, simply said."

The gala, which focused on the Amazon rainforest, gave guests a real-life look into the area.

In part with sharing current knowledge, the group’s next project will launch the largest tropical forest restoration in the world. And, as always, Ford will be a part of it. He can’t go it alone, though. Conservation efforts across the government and in individual communities are our *only hope* to establish effective change.

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