“The Harm In Asking” – A Hilarious New Book By Sara Barron

Sara Barron was one wild kid, and in her new book The Harm In Asking: My Clumsy Encounters with the Human Race, you get an intimate look at her precocious bathroom habits and how she recovered from the embarrassment of forgetting to lock the door. Haven’t we all been there at one point? I know I learned MY lesson the day my dad walked in on me while I did a sexy dance in front of the bathroom mirror. Shudder.

I had read her first book years ago when on a whim, I found and purchased People Are Unappealing at the bookstore and thought to try something new. The same method of grabbing any book without a preview proved successful when I used it to choose Laurie Notaro’s Idiot Girls Action-Adventure Club. Notaro is known for writing short stories that are hilarious, gross, and embarrassingly revealing (pants exploding, barfing on herself while on a train, cat poo on her husband’s pillow). Barron is equally a riot but uses a slight more more introspective method for examining the quirks of life. It was from her first book where I learned the word “fupa.” Her new book has several more gems to offer.

Her reflections on her childhood are unforgivingly bare, brutal, and hilarious. Her view of the world from a young age is relatable in that we’ve all had to look back and realize that what we first learned about things wasn’t necessarily accurate. Are lesbians more than just beautiful apartment owners who can heal your hair troubles with a flat iron? Is a k.d. lang album powerful enough to make you question your sexuality? Barron found herself making these heavy personal explorations in her teen years, and later in life got her first look at a real-life long vagina.

Pick up The Harm In Asking as soon as you can so you can feel like you’re talking to your favorite friend, the one who is not afraid to say salty things and expose her secrets for the joy of watching you respond with a hearty laugh. I have always enjoyed Sara’s writing and I was super excited when I learned this book was being released this year. I think you’re in for a fun treat with this one, especially in a world where some have the audacity to say women aren’t funny. Sara’s work is here to prove that yes, women are frickin’ hilarious.

Find it here on Amazon and on Goodreads.

Learn more about Sara Barron here.

Featured image via SaraBarron.com