How to do Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween: 5 videos to help you nail this costume

In light of the recent Suicide Squad movie, tons of people are hoping to do Harley Quinn makeup for Halloween and nail this super-cool character. And for good reason: She’s awesome, empowering, and pretty darn complex. Her costume is also pretty feasible to do based off of what you may have at home or what you can borrow from friends. (We think the baseball bat is a necessity, but you can use your own judgment on that one).

Even without the Joker by her side, Harley Quinn’s look is easily identifiable, which is nice if you’re going for a solo costume this year. Though obviously getting your squad to dress up as other female comic book characters, like Woman Woman and Poison Ivy, would be pretty epic.

So, if you want to dress up as Harley Quinn for Halloween, YouTube is a great place to look. And remember: While hair and makeup take some time, this look isn’t *so* out there that it’s likely to be a budget-breaker. Check out some of our favorite YouTube tutorials for Harley Quinn makeup below!

Painted Harley Quinn Makeup Tutorial

This look is seriously chic, and perfect if you have that snap-happy photographer friend in your group!

Suicide Squad-Inspired Harley Quinn Tutorial

Straight from the recent movie, this look is here to recreate what you saw on the silver screen.

Glamorous Harly Quinn Makeup Tutorial

While Harley Quinn’s life is far from glamorous, this tutorial is a fun spin on her look if you want something a little less, well, crazy.

The Ultimate Harley Quinn Halloween Tutorial

If you’re willing to go out all-out (dying your pigtails, anyone?) this is definitely the tutorial for you!

Simple Harley Quinn Makeup Tutorial

Want to keep it simple for Halloween this year? This tutorial totally delivers: You absolutely look like Harley Quinn by the end, and you didn’t have to spend countless hours perfecting the look. Winning!

Happy Halloween, everybody!

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