Happy Humbug Day!
December 21st is Humbug Day!
It seems to me that there are three kinds of people when it comes to Christmas. The first kind is overly excited about the Christmas season. Some may call them the Christmas freaks. These early adopters are playing the soundtrack from Merry Christmas Charlie Brown the day after Halloween, and probably over-decorate their apartment and cubicle at the office. Then there is the second kind of person, who enjoys Christmas, but in moderation. They typically wait until at least after Thanksgiving to embrace the holiday spirit, and they don’t go overboard on decor. Finally, we have the grinches. The humbugs. Those who would rather not celebrate at all.
Hey, I realize it is a stressful time of year. I’m not here to judge. It can be hard to embrace the joy and cheeriness of overly excited Christmas lovers, and I realize that some people would rather just carry on without all the holiday fuss. For all of you grinches out there, Humbug Day is the perfect holiday to follow Go Caroling Day. Because chances are you didn’t go around spreading good cheer through the singing of Christmas Carols yesterday. You probably closed your shutters, bolted your door, and sat in the dark, being all Scroogy and stuff. Your negative outlook on the holiday season is to be celebrated, though, so get it out of your system today and go full grinch.
How to Celebrate
Here are some ways to celebrate, for those of us who are not naturally good at being humbugs:
1. Say “Bah, HUMBUG!” when you are frustrated, disgusted, or in any way irked. This phrase will take the place of the usual dangit, drat, bummer, crap, darn, or oh snap.
2. Don’t listen to ANY Christmas music. When it comes on the radio, turn the station. When it plays in a department store, see number 1. When your roommate turns on her Michael Bublé Christmas CD, leave the room in disgust.
3. Quote Scrooge throughout the day. “I wish to be left alone, sir! That is what I wish! I don’t make myself merry at Christmas and I cannot afford to make idle people merry.” or “If they’d rather die, then they had better do it and decrease the surplus population. Good night, gentlemen.” But anything negative and generally against the Christmas spirit will do.
Quote of the Day
“Bah,” said Scrooge, “Humbug.”
– Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Humbug Day is a copyrighted holiday by Thomas and Ruth Roy, and was used with their prior permission. Check out their other quirky holidays at www.wellcat.com
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