Happy Birthday, Dianna Agron!
Today is Dianna Agron’s 27th birthday, so let us celebrate her a bit.
If you guys don’t know about youmeandcharlie, but it is one of the most uplifting, inspirational websites on the entire world wide web, and it comes from Agron’s beautiful mind.
AND I don’t know about you guys, but I truly miss Miss Agron on Glee this season. I don’t think it is coincidental that the scenes she has had this season have been some of the best. Um, like spoiler alert, but can we talk about wtf is going on with her and Santana?
Happy birthday, Dianna, you beautiful, kind, soul! Come back to us on Glee, or in something else soon!
Glee image via wetpaint.com, polka dot dress image via vanityfair, all other images via youmeandcharlie.