If you’re looking for some happiness-inducing stationery for 2017…

We don’t know about you guys, but for us, 2017 has been a breath of fresh air. The skies seem brighter. The general public seems happier. We just feel like ourselves again. We want to keep this happiness around for as long as possible, so why not gussy up all aspects of life to surround ourselves in pure joy? To set the New Year off right, why not check out some of our favorite super happy 2017 stationery? It’ll help you stay on track so you can stay smiling.
For the New Year, ban.do released a “Your Future Looks Bright” line of notebooks, agendas, postcards, greeting card and compliment card sets. We’re in love with all of it. Ban.do instagrammed their new line and wrote in the caption, “To help you on your path to good vibrations, we just released everything you need to stay golden!”
Praise, ban.do. Praise.
You can find all of the above merch in ban.do’s “Good Vibes” section, all ranging between $10 to $20. In fact, check out the entirety of ban.do’s stationery collection because you’re bound to find something that will put a smile on your face.
Like this “Here Comes The Fun” mini notebook ($12).
Or this assorted pack of compliment postcards with messages on them like, “You’re so cool and I’m not even mad about it” ($10).
And we also really like this 2017 agenda, mainly because we want to look like the girl on the front cover. She’s so cool ($20).
What we’re trying to say is that you need to check out ban.do’s website so you can adorn your desk with things that make you happy. Here’s to keeping your glass half full and always looking on the bright side in 2017. Cheers!