Hank and John Green are bringing a new amaze event into our lives. Hello, Nerdcon.

We want to clue you into an event that we already have written in Sharpie on our calendars. We learned about the event thanks to Hank Green (of our fave YouTube channel vlogbrothers) and if the brothers Green are on board who are we to disagree.

What is it? It’s a brand spanking new convention that sounds truly awesome to us. Run by the same people who bring us the awesome VidCon each year, this convention is NedCon: Stories and it’s founded on the idea that stories are what makes us special. It’s also founded on the idea that nerds are the absolute best. As a John Green quote emblazoned loud and proud on the website states: “Nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff. When people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all.” Oh we SO agree.

The whole premise of the event is that story enthusiasts will gather to discuss the evolution of the story, to explore ways that we as humans change our cultures through our stories, and to celebrate the  amazing complexity of storytelling. I mean, that sounds pretty amazing. Right now the convention is still in the planning stages and they are even asking for input from people who love stories (like us!). You can send any ideas you have about what should happen at the convention to this e-mail address: [email protected]. As we speak there’s a pretty rad wishlist going of what the event might include. If even half of these come to fruition then we’re pumped.

Honestly, all of these ideas are amazing.

The convention will take place laster this year on October 9th and 10th at the Minneapolis Convention Center. There are already a host of performers, game designers, musicians, and authors on the attendee list. Some of the guests on the list include fantasy writers Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, the cast of podcast Welcome to Night Vale, Kimya Dawson, the team from NaNoWriMo, and, of course, the Green brothers themselves.

You can find the current list of guests in it’s entirety at NerdCon’s website here, and hear Hank Green talk more about it on his vlogbrother video below.

Tickets are $100, but for two days of amazing it seems pretty worth it. See you in October?

[Photo via]

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