Halle Berry’s dramatic reading of “Oops I Did It Again” is, weirdly enough, what we all needed

The unbelievably gorgeous and time and space-defying (HELLO Halle just turned 50, srsly what’s your secret?!) recited a dramatic reading of Britney Spears’ classic “Oops…I Did It Again” during a sit-down with W Magazine.
In the video, Halle sensuously looks right into the camera and recites the lyrics from the song, proving that it’s not what you say it’s how you say it, completely changing the way we think about the song, all while holding the lyrics on a sheet of paper in front of her. ‘Cause you know, those lyrics can trip you up. We’re not going to lie though, listening to this video is making us crave some Brit. Not to worry though: She not only has a new album out, Glory, but she’ll be performing at the VMA’s on Sunday August 28th (her first time gracing the VMA stage in nearly 10 years!). Spears craving covered. But here’s more Halle Berry.
Can we please all be this glorious?