Hailey Baldwin’s New York Fashion Week diet sounds incredibly intense!

If you follow New York Fashion Week, you’ve likely noticed that everyone participating is bringing their best selves to the red carpet — whatever that may mean to them. For model Hailey Baldwin, she’s made sure her abs are in tip-top shape (work it, girl!). While we think people should feel comfortable showing off their bodies in whatever form they feel most comfortable, we have to admit, Baldwin’s abs are pretty darn impressive:
Whether she’s dressed up or dressed down, Baldwin’s mid-section is totally there to steal the show. This makes us all curious, of course: What does she eat to maintain such a trim figure?
Luckily for us, Baldwin opened up to PeopleStyle about how she gets her figure into her preferred shape for Fashion Week. While she didn’t reveal exactly what her diet and exercise plans are, she let readers in on a little secret: She does a detox cleanse, and it’s pretty intense.
“It’s like a cleanse that you have to do with like protein powder and all this different stuff and you have to eat a certain type of way,” she said to PeopleStyle. “I eat healthy regardless but it’s very much more scaled down.” Helin Jung at Cosmo notes that Baldwin’s detox incorporates clean fruits, vegetables, and supplements.
There has been a lot of criticism and debate over the years about whether or not detoxes are healthy, and beyond that, whether or not they are effective. We think people should do what feels best for their body, and that ultimately your health is your own decision. Baldwin tells PeopleStyle that she goes on a cleanse to “trying to reset [her] body before [she] gets into the craziness of all this traveling and running around.”
Whatever keeps you healthy and happy works for us, Hailey!