So perfect: Hailey Baldwin is hosting a new rap battle show with Method Man

As if Carpool Karaoke and Lip Sync Battle weren’t already satisfying our need for adult sing-alongs, Hailey Baldwin is hosting a rap battle show with Method Man that premieres May 2nd on TBS. Funny enough, the show, called Drop the Mic, is actually being produced by Corden, so get ready for similar-style antics (and awesome celeb appearances).

The show’s format pits four celebs against each other in a battle, kinda like Lip Sync Battle, but with more faces from music, film, TV, and sports industries. And they’re actually going to try to battle rap. Method Man is a well-respected MC (he was a member of Wu-Tang Clan before branching out on his own with Redman), so hopefully he’ll try to keep things legit. And Baldwin is all-around amazing, so she’ll definitely make a good co-host.

All we can hope for is that the celebs don’t actually try to freestyle and will just be rapping over well-known rap songs (we’re guessing Nelly will make an appearance), because we’re not sure we’ll be able to handle that. Executive producer Ben Winston said in a statement, “Method Man and Hailey Baldwin are the perfect hosts for our show.”

"Two talented, funny, great people on a show that we hope will get everyone talking – we can't wait to get started."

Hopefully this will be fun for Hailey, who’s known for her modeling career and social media fame. Though she recently admitted to the world in The Times Magazine that social media gives her anxiety. The 20-year-old said:

“It definitely does something to the soul. There are times when I feel depressed or anxious and a big part of it comes from that. If we didn’t have social media, we’d have a weight lifted off our shoulders.

She also says it’s hard not to Google herself and that any celeb who says they don’t is lying to you.

“People tell me I’m ugly, fat. I try not to care but the fact is, everyone wants to see what people are saying about them. Whoever says they don’t Google themselves is a liar.”

With this new show, she’s probably going to be getting a lot more attention, but hopefully having a lot more fun. Laughing at other celebs make a fool of themselves is just what the TV gods ordered.

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